

十大彩票平台结束了十多年来的第一次“学生成功运动”. 我们向所有付出时间和金钱的人表示深切和真诚的感谢!

自1967年成立以来, 学院一直是马萨诸塞州西部经济活力的主要来源. An investment in the Springfield Technical Community 大学 Foundation not only helps make college affordable and keeps our students on their career paths — it also promotes economic development that enhances the quality of life in our community.



在十大彩票平台技术社区学院,我们帮助学生改变他们的生活. Our students come to us from all walks of life, 文化, 和背景, and each student has a unique story. Some face overwhelming obstacles and challenges. All are seeking ways to learn and grow so they can become productive, 实现了, contributing citizens for themselves, 他们的家庭, 我们的社区. 十大彩票平台 students enroll to learn professional skills, 我们, 反过来, seek to ignite their imagination and passions. They are here to grow 智力ually, 培养批判性思考者, and take steps toward building a career.

十大彩票平台, 学生直接进入劳动力市场或继续他们的教育的下一步, often as transfers to four-year colleges or universities. 十大彩票平台 plays a critical role as the local, 负担得起的大学,学生能够为他们的未来打下基础.

Being that affordable option is key. And that's where you and the 十大彩票平台基金会 come in. 作为一个国家支持的机构,我们50%的预算来自英联邦. 其余资金必须从学生学费和助学金以及企业和私营部门的支持中筹集. 为了保持我们社区的可访问性,我们需要像您这样的人的支持. 我们能否负担得起学费取决于我们能筹到多少奖学金, 基础设施, 以及其他对我们提供的教育质量有影响的重要项目.

Please join us in our mission and support the 十大彩票平台基金会's 学生成功运动. 您的支持不仅是我们学生个人成功的关键, your generosity and care have a ripple effect as we meet the needs of local and regional businesses; as we contribute to the Springfield renaissance; and as we grow together in Western Massachusetts.


约翰B. 做饭,Ph值.D.
Springfield Technical Community 大学

学生 Marisabel罗莎 with hand on hip"I am a single mother of three boys, work full time, and attend school.

I am also in recovery for a drug addiction, going on four years. 大学 has been an outlet for me. I love to learn new things and apply what I've learned in my life.

I recently received a scholarship from the 十大彩票平台基金会. Going to school, working, and raising my kids — it's a lot. But thanks to a Foundation Scholarship, 我将能够继续我的教育,并在我已经取得的进步的基础上更进一步. Thanks to this gift from generous donors, I have the strength and financial help to finish another semester.


Associate in Science in Business Administration



该地区. When you give to the 十大彩票平台基金会 you support and encourage economic development by helping to produce a qualified workforce with the education and training needed to fuel business and industry in 该地区. 最重要的是,你正在帮助学生茁壮成长,成为对社会有贡献的成员.


Springfield Technical Community 大学 serves a culturally and economically diverse population that reflects the community of Springfield and Hampden County:

  • 89% of our students come from Hampden County            
  • 48% of our students come from the City of Springfield
  • 我们59%的学生是女性
  • 29% of the student body is Hispanic
  • 16%的学生是黑人              
  • 816年教师 & 工作人员
  • 37841名校友


  • 单亲父母
  • First-generation college students
  • 转行的
  • 寻求专业发展,认证和进一步教育的地区居民和员工

Mohamed standing with hands in pockets“I had a five-year gap from high school, working part time in sales.


基金会的一封电子邮件邀请我申请可用的奖学金. I was lucky to get a total of six scholarships that allowed me to have more time to invest in my academics rather than having to worry about getting more hours at work.

我的希望是最终获得机械工程学士学位,然后继续攻读硕士学位. 我想用我在可再生能源方面的机械工程知识来帮助世界上不发达的地区.”

Associate in Science in Engineering


的服务 provide support that is community-based, 文化相关, 个性化的, and strength-based to help students succeed in the classroom and in life.


访问服务中心(CAS)为有需要的学生提供广泛的非学术支持. 基金会的慷慨支持为低收入学生和面临其他障碍的学生提供帮助, 比如住房不稳定, 无家可归, 或者粮食不安全. 这些全方位的服务有助于减轻他们肩上的一些生活负担, 因此,学生们能够专注于学校,努力为自己创造更好的生活. 服务包括:

  • 紧急住房选择
  • 健康保险
  • 食品援助
  • 工具帮助
  • Educational Matched Savings Accounts

Jose Lopez Figueroa smiling in bowtie“Sometimes just $100 for an electric bill or the price of a required course book can be the thing that forces a student out of school. We're here to help fill those gaps.”

接入服务中心 & 发展中心
Springfield Technical Community 大学



我们正在十大彩票平台进入一个新时代, 基金会正在抓住机会,以新的和创造性的方式帮助改变生活. Our vision is for 十大彩票平台 to be a dynamic, multicultural learning community where students grow in character, 智力, 和自信.

十大彩票平台 meets students where they are. So whether they are struggling to keep the lights on in their home, experience food insecurity or 无家可归, require academic support through tutoring, 或者需要一些简单的东西,比如一本书,或者像纸和笔这样的基本用品——像你这样的慷慨的人, the Foundation stands ready to help. We provide aid through scholarships, 应急资金, and program funding so that students can overcome challenges academically and in their lives to get over the finish line.

十大彩票平台基金会还通过支持教师创新为学生的成功做出贡献, as well as classroom 基础设施 项目 so vital to keeping the school current and preparing our students for the ever-evolving demands of a global economy.

I invite you to join our 学生成功运动. 在您的支持下, 十大彩票平台 can continue to provide state-of-the-art education, utilize industry-standard equipment, introduce innovative learning opportunities, and ensure access to higher education for students.

为了满足需求, the Foundation will play an important role in 十大彩票平台's five-year strategic plan by raising funds for important 项目 including:

  • 爱尔兰共和军H. Rubenzahl 学生 Learning Commons
  • 学生赋权基金
  • 学生奖学金
  • 十大彩票平台年度基金

We're happy to talk with you about specific 项目 and programs as well as how you can invest and get involved to help accomplish these goals. 当我们展望未来, we know that the long-term economic development success of 该地区 is dependent upon our ability to take systematic steps to develop a globally competitive workforce. That success comes one person at a time. 在您的支持下, 十大彩票平台技术社区学院基金会可以推动我们的学生和社区走向未来.


富兰克林D. 奎格利,小.
十大彩票平台基金会 董事会


给 in ways that have meaning to you. Wherever you focus your generosity, you will be making an impact.

爱尔兰共和军H. Rubenzahl 学生 Learning Commons

学生s in hard hats and reflecting vests observing architecture

从2016年夏天开始, 历史悠久的19号楼已经被改造成一个最先进的学生中心. 2019年1月,公共学习中心正式开放,成为十大彩票平台的中心. 一个雄心勃勃的, 充满活力的建筑项目, 纪念过去, while embracing new energy-efficient technology, it houses essential student resources and services such as admissions, the academic advising and transfer center, 图书馆, 学生财务服务, 退伍军人的编程, 职业服务, 和更多的.

其结果是:校园里有一个集中的空间,供学生和教师在项目上合作, access vital services and learn in an energizing, 先进的环境.


十大彩票平台作品 allows the 大学 to recruit and retain students, including those who are economically disadvantaged, some of whom do not qualify for federal or state funding sources. 十大彩票平台作品 provides these ambitious students with Completion 奖学金 and the resources to help them complete their degree, 证书, 或者职业技能项目. Funding goes towards tuition, fees, books, and supplies.

其结果是:学生们准备在市场上竞争需求工作,帮助他们养活自己, 他们的家庭 and contribute to our communities.

在过去的四年里, 十大彩票平台 students borrowed $20 million from the federal government to help them manage not just tuition and fees but also housing, 照顾孩子, 运输, and other day-to-day expenses along the way. 但这还不够.


学生赋权基金 was created as a resource for students facing a multitude of barriers to sustaining and completing their education. 该基金, originally created from two restricted funds — the Bennett Book Fund and the Quest Fund — has been significantly expanded to anticipate all personal needs of the student population. 学生s in need of support for short- term housing, 运输, 照顾孩子, 学术项目资源, and nutritious meals can apply for the help they need through this fund, freeing them up to focus on their studies and complete their programs.

The result: 学生s are able to overcome roadblocks and are empowered to continue their education and transform their lives.


As the economic landscape has shifted, annual gifts have become vital to sustaining Springfield Technical Community 大学's core mission — supporting students as they transform their lives.

The 年度基金 provides flexible resources to support 大学 priorities. Unrestricted gifts — donations that aren't tied to a specific program or project — provide a crucial bridge between tuition revenue and the actual cost of running the 大学. These funds help support annual academic and student grants, 设备升级, 教职员工发展, 还有更多.

Your annual gift allows the 十大彩票平台基金会 to respond to the 大学's most pressing financial concerns and provide the flexibility to seize unique and important opportunities.

The result: the 大学 and the Foundation are able to invest in cutting edge programs and provide resources for new and top priority 项目 and opportunities.



十大彩票平台基金会接受来自个人、公司和基金会的礼物. Donors may choose to give cash through an annual pledge or gift. 有些人赠送股票, 而另一些人则通过慈善信托向遗产捐赠来表达他们的慷慨, 礼物年金, 遗赠和遗嘱条款.

You can choose to give to specific scholarship funds, 项目, or programs that have significance to you. Whatever and however you choose to give, 每一美元都将用于确保十大彩票平台能够继续提供负担得起的服务, state-of-the-art education today and in the future.



Shawn 德怀尔 in suit with hands clapsed“As an area employer, we hire as many 十大彩票平台 graduates as possible. They are committed to the Pioneer Valley, come out of school with the skill set we're looking for, and they display a strong work ethic.”

肖恩·米. 德怀尔
First Vice 总统 of Commercial Banking


The Springfield Technical Community 大学 Foundation is composed of leaders who have come together to lend their support, 知识, 使十大彩票平台成为该地区可行和宝贵的资源.

The Foundation's mission is to meet its goals and commitment to provide superior educational opportunities to the community.

Our vision is that 十大彩票平台 will be a dynamic, multicultural learning community where students grow in character, 智力, 和自信.


Learn more about the 十大彩票平台基金会 or make a donation on our 十大彩票平台基金会网页 或致电413-755-4529.