挑战考试 (信贷 for Prior Learning)
学院的挑战考试计划提供了传统课堂课程的另一种选择. 它是专为个人谁可能已经知道的材料涵盖在十大彩票平台提供的入门级课程. 所有的考试都是由十大彩票平台的教师和教师开发的, 因此, relate directly to the course being challenged. 请参阅下面当前可用的挑战考试列表. (Subject to change without notice.)
如欲报名参加挑战考试,请填写 Challenge Exam Application
Specific Course Challenge 信息
Frequently Asked Questions
1. 如果我上学期上了这门课,并且我的成绩单上有一个最后的成绩, can I challenge the same course?
不,如果你的成绩单上有一门课程的分数是字母,你就不能质疑这门课程. (如果你的成绩是W,因为你退出了这门课程,你可以参加挑战考试。)
2. 如果我挑战这门课程,这些学分会被转到四年制大学吗?
你需要和那所四年制大学核实一下,看看他们目前的政策是什么. 我们不能保证挑战积分会被转移.
3. 如果我注册了这门课程,我可以参加挑战考试吗?
(唯一的例外是在学期开始的DROP/ADD期间. 如果你在DROP/ADD期间挑战了一门课程并通过了挑战考试, 你有责任放弃这门课程,并支付每学分的费用,以便将挑战记录在你的成绩单上.)
4. How long do I have to take the exam?
5. Does a challenge exam affect my GPA?
No. 学分计入毕业,但成绩为P(及格)。. It is not figured into your grade point average.
6. What happens after I take a challenge exam?
你会收到一封信,告诉你是否通过了挑战. If you passed the exam, 这封信将有一个可撕下的部分,你需要在两周内带到出纳办公室,并支付每学分10美元的费用,以便添加到你的成绩单中. 一旦测试和评估中心收到您的付款验证, the challenge/course will be posted on your transcript.
The Challenge Exam cannot be used to:
- Replace an "F" (a failed course) on a transcript.
- 从成绩单中删除“I”(不完整)或“W”(退学)的分数.
- 学生不能参加已经在成绩单上列出的课程的挑战考试.
(This policy includes an Incomplete.)
费用为7美元.50 must be paid at the time of registration. 学生必须以支票或汇票付款,并以十大彩票平台为抬头.
In order to have credits recorded on their transcript, students who pass the test, 必须带着他们收到的信(连同他们的挑战结果)到出纳办公室,并支付10美元.00 per credit charge. This should be done within two weeks of notification. 该课程将被添加到学生的成绩单中.
十大彩票平台 挑战考试
课程数量 | 课程名称 | 学分 |
acc - 101 | 会计我 | 4 |
acc - 102 | 会计二世 | 4 |
cet(中央东部东京)- 125 | Cad for Construction | 3 |
cit - 101 | CIT基金会 | 3 |
cmp - 106 | Computer Basics Concepts and Applications | 3 |
csc - 100 | Introduction to Computer Science | 4 |
csc - 101 | Computer Science I | 4 |
csc - 111 | Computer Science II | 4 |
csc - 210 | Introduction to Java Programing Language | 4 |
csc - 220 | Data Structures and Algorithm | 4 |
drg - 091 | 阅读一级 | 3 |
drg - 092 | 阅读一级I | 3 |
ece - 101 | Introduction to Early Childhood | 3 |
ece - 110 | Child/ Growth and Development | 3 |
ece - 140 | Young Children with Special Needs | 3 |
ece - 170 | Infant and Toddler Care | 3 |
避署- 110 | Electronic for Technician I | 3 |
fre—101 | Elementary French I | 3 |
fre—102 | Elementary French II | 3 |
itl - 101 | Elementary Italian I | 3 |
itl - 102 | Elementary Italian II | 3 |
地中海- 100 | Medical Terminology | 3 |
垫- 078 | Basic Arithmetic ( non-graduation credit) | 3 |
垫- 087 | Elementary Algebra I (non-graduation credit) | 3 |
垫- 097 | Elementary Algebra II ( non-graduation credit) | 3 |
垫- 100 | Contemporary Mathematical Applications | 3 |
垫- 122 | 应用数学I | 3 |
垫- 101 | Math in a Modern Society I | 3 |
垫- 115 | 统计数据 | 3 |
垫- 124 | Technical Math I | 4 |
垫- 130 | Pre-Calculus Math | 4 |
垫- 131 | 微积分我 | 4 |
垫- 125 | Technical Math II | 4 |
垫- 132 | 微积分二世 | 4 |
垫- 233 | 微积分三世 | 4 |
垫- 240 | 线性代数 | 3 |
垫- 255 | Differential Equations | 4 |
oit - 100 | Basic Keyboarding Skills | 1 |
phy - 101 | Technical Physics | 4 |
rch - 100 | 基础研究 | 1 |
soc - 101 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
soc - 205 | Sociology of the Family | 3 |
spn - 101 | Elementary Spanish I | 3 |
spn - 102 | Elementary Spanish II | 3 |
A Picture ID is required to take a Challenge Exam.
其他挑战考试可以在部门主席的许可下以个人为基础进行! If you think you might qualify, 向你的指导老师或系主任咨询是否有空房.
重要提示:只有参加十大彩票平台学位或证书课程的学生才能通过参加挑战考试获得学分. THESE CREDITS MAY NOT TRANSFER.